Awakened Anesthetist
This podcast is for Certified Anesthesiologist Assistants, AA students and anyone hoping to become one. As a CAA, I know how difficult it can be to find guidance that includes our unique point of view. I created Awakened Anesthetist to be the supportive community of CAAs I had needed on my own journey. Every month I feature CAA expanders in what I call my PROCESS interview series and I create wellness episodes that demystify practices you have previously assumed could never work for "someone like you". Through it all you will discover the power you hold as a CAA to create a life by design rather that default. I know you will find yourself here at Awakened Anesthetist Podcast.
Awakened Anesthetist
Remembering your "why"- 5ish mins of Mindfulness for the Busy Certified Anesthesiologist Assistant (Student)
In this short mindfulness episodes, Charlie Chase, CAA shares a personal voice note he made for himself circa 2017. He was taking pre-reqs to enter CAA school and never wanted to forget his "why", especially during the hard times. I hope it leaves you feeling nourished, encouraged and connected to yourself and our community. You deserve to feel good behind the drape.
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Interested in practicing mindfulness with this CAA community?
- Receive your Free 30 min Webinar Introduction to Mindfulness for CAAs
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IG @awakenedanesthetist